I Will Be (Whatever)
Installation: Photograph transparency, lights, electronics, 1999
Curated by Sybil Goldstein as part of The Word exhibition, Case Studies, Harbourfront Gallery, Toronto Canada, 1999
I will be (whatever) takes its inspiration from the Biblical word: G-d’s response to Moses’ question at the burning bush: I will be whatever I will be.
The image, a portrait of me, is interrupted by text: ‘I will be’, ‘You are’, ‘I am’ listed on the left side of the image and ‘whatever’ on the right. The words light up in random formations, an endless additive composition, a chain of configurations: I will be whatever You are, I will be whatever I am, You are whatever I am, You are whatever I will be, I am whatever I will be……and so on….
Photograph by Mieke Van Geest.
Many thanks for assistance to Simone Jones.
Materials: electronic photo installation